News | Wilson Health

Healthcare Worker of the Year

Written by Wilson Health | Jan 18, 2023 2:55:11 PM

Wilson Health is pleased to announce, Alys Fleckenstein, RN, Director of Nursing, Acute Care, CCU & Associate Managers, has been nominated for the prestigious Ohio Hospital Association’s (OHA) Healthcare Worker of the Year award. 

Alys has been with Wilson Health for 26 years. She inspires others by never expecting them to do things she wouldn’t do herself. This was demonstrated during the COVID-19 Pandemic. She refused to sit by and watch her staff struggle. Knowing her family was healthy at home, Alys felt her true calling was in the hospital and came in every weekend for many months and worked a stretch of 28 days to help care for patients. Helping others fills Alys’ cup, and many we spoke with said her cup always remains half full, no matter what is going on around her. Working in healthcare as long as she has, sometimes people may begin to feel burnout for become jaded, but for Alys, she feels working with patients is what she was put on this earth to do. Each day, even during the 80 weeks of the Pandemic, she aspires to be a role model to others, to serve patients with respect, dignity and with the highest standard of care.

Alys, along with other nominees across the State of Ohio, will be recognized in June at an Ohio Hospital Association’s Annual Meeting and Special Awards event. 

Congratulations Alys on being named Wilson Health’s Healthcare Workers of the Year!